Yesterday, the world came crashing down. Quite literally. I was sad and my every cell was aching with agony. I had to depart with a dear and a very near one. Traumatised by the inexplicable loss of my beloved, I chose to turn those memories non-ephemeral by composing, for my love, a brief epitaph.
Dear Love,
Thou came to me at a time of dire need. When the one that I was dependant on had cracked up and began threatening me with watch-out-girl-blue-screen-any-minute-now, thou prevailed upon me as a reliable companion. I have treated thee poorly and dropped thou one too many times. But, thou loving self never once has betrayed me. Oh! how am I going to get over your loss? Oh! how am I ever going to commensurate your cause? Your sunshine one liner displayed every time I switch thou on never failed to charge me up. Nor was there ever a need to charge you before at least three full days. You were trustworthy beyond measure, you were my greatest treasure. You have seen all my highs, and a few wet lows! While thou fancy counterparts with fancier names reveled in the hands of the so called posh geeks, I loved thee too much to replace thou with a tawdry piece! Oh, love, why did you leave me and go? I am so lost without thee but life moves on and so should I, they say. I now have your distant cousin in your place. He looks flossy but you were classy!
The Bard of Avon best summed up my feelings for thee - Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds - Thou shalt be remembered forever in body and soul persisting over the vagaries of Time! For my beloved 1100, mobile phones may come and mobile phones may go, but you will stay in my heart forever!
(uncontrollable sob....whimper....cough....clearing of throat)
May you rest in peace forever!
(In memory of the greatest and best mobile phone ever invented and my beloved companion at all times - my precious 1100)
Dear Love,
Thou came to me at a time of dire need. When the one that I was dependant on had cracked up and began threatening me with watch-out-girl-blue-screen-any-minute-now, thou prevailed upon me as a reliable companion. I have treated thee poorly and dropped thou one too many times. But, thou loving self never once has betrayed me. Oh! how am I going to get over your loss? Oh! how am I ever going to commensurate your cause? Your sunshine one liner displayed every time I switch thou on never failed to charge me up. Nor was there ever a need to charge you before at least three full days. You were trustworthy beyond measure, you were my greatest treasure. You have seen all my highs, and a few wet lows! While thou fancy counterparts with fancier names reveled in the hands of the so called posh geeks, I loved thee too much to replace thou with a tawdry piece! Oh, love, why did you leave me and go? I am so lost without thee but life moves on and so should I, they say. I now have your distant cousin in your place. He looks flossy but you were classy!
The Bard of Avon best summed up my feelings for thee - Love is not love which alters when it alteration finds - Thou shalt be remembered forever in body and soul persisting over the vagaries of Time! For my beloved 1100, mobile phones may come and mobile phones may go, but you will stay in my heart forever!
(uncontrollable sob....whimper....cough....clearing of throat)
May you rest in peace forever!
(In memory of the greatest and best mobile phone ever invented and my beloved companion at all times - my precious 1100)